Umbrella Specialist
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Why Buy FiberBuilt?

Dedication to Research and Development has made FiberBuilt the leader in the industry.

Founded in 2000, FiberBuilt Umbrellas, Inc. was established with the goal of producing the most innovative and durable umbrellas for the hospitality industry. We saw the shortcomings of steel and wood ribbed umbrellas and understood the needs that hoteliers and restaurateurs had for durable umbrellas that would hold up to harsh weather conditions. Taking inspiration from the performance of high end sport fishing equipment, we created a product line superior to anything else on the market.

A New Approach To Umbrellas

Umbrellas of the past have always been made with “traditional” materials like wood and steel. The only problem is, they are not very flexible, and they don’t maintain their shape if the wind warps them. Fiberbuilt was established to address these problems, producing the most innovative and durable umbrellas for the hospitality industry.

Just like high-end sport fishing equipment is designed to bend in order to withstand the force of a live fish pulling on the other end, umbrellas should bend with the wind and maintain their shape afterwards, too.

Built for Your Comfort

For twenty years we have pushed the envelope of umbrella design with flexible fiberglass ribs, rust resistant hardware, and other structural and design improvements – all in an effort to improve day-to-day performance and increase the longevity of your investment.

This dedication to Research and Development has made FiberBuilt the leader in the industry.

Today, our resilient, contract quality umbrellas can be found at resorts, country clubs, timeshares and condominiums, as well as hotels and restaurants across the country, throughout the Caribbean and around the world. We serve both demanding, high traffic commercial environments as well as discerning homeowners looking for superior quality at reasonable price points, who can find our product line at various stores and online retailers.

As we continue to grow, our passion to manufacture the highest quality shade products and cushions will never waver. Our dedication to customer satisfaction through superior service and continuous innovation will remain our top priority. FiberBuilt’s umbrellas are Built to Last, are made to order, and provide a custom designed patch of shade for every location and budget.
